Adult Ministries
Adult Ministries
We have a variety of ministries for both Men and Ladies designed to lift you up spiritually.

Men’s Ministries
Today, our culture continues to level its assault on the Bible’s teaching of masculinity. In such an environment, Open Door Baptist Church seeks to encourage and equip men to live as God intended. Through periodic meetings throughout the year, we seek to develop men so that they can be strong fathers, loving husbands, and faithful servants of their Savior. We desire to see all of our men living determined to be godly leaders as we endeavor to prepare the next generation of young men to rise up and stand for righteousness in a wicked world.
Ladies Ministries
Life is busy: caring for our homes, raising our children, supporting our husbands, and serving the Lord. In all of this business of life, women can easily let their most important role slip: being a disciple of Jesus Christ and walking with the Lord. Through various fellowship opportunities throughout the year, our ladies gather together to encourage one another by testifying of God’s grace in their lives, sharing one another’s burdens, and praying for one another. Through friendship and fellowship no lady walks alone.

Senior Saints
Our Senior Saints Ministry is designed to encourage those within our ministry age 65 and up. Through regular meetings, we seek to provide opportunities for fellowship and friendship where we can build up one another in the faith. Many of our Senior Saints have faithfully served the Lord and continue to do so in various ministries of our church. Those who have set a good example for us to follow continue to impact our ministry through their wise counsel and faithful prayers. Periodic trips will be scheduled whether it be to enjoy a musical at Sight and Sound or to visit the Ark Encounter or other places of interest.