Our Positions
Open Door Baptist Church is a traditional, independent Baptist church
Since our founding, Open Door Baptist Church has associated itself with certain terms that define our positions as a church.
We are
We carry out our ministry and mission in an autonomous fashion. We will not be controlled by any group or individual outside our church membership.
We Are
We hold certain doctrinal positions that we believe are taught in the Scriptures. These positions set us apart from other forms of religion. (See Our Distinctives)
We Are
We conduct our ministry and carry out our mission in accordance to the inerrant and infallible Word of God. We believe that the Bible alone is the final authority for faith and practice. We also believe there are some fundamental doctrines that if not believed destroy the faith we claim to proclaim.
We Are
We serve a holy God who in turn calls us to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). We believe that this separation requires us to turn from sin and this world while turning to God and His righteousness.
We Are
We operate our ministries by standards that we believe best reflects the character of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.