Pastor and Mrs. Jeffrey Bateman
— Senior Pastor —
In August 2021, Pastor Bateman became our Senior Pastor. He is familiar to the ministry here having served under Pastor Craig Griffith for 6 years as his assistant. He has served the Lord as Pastor in 3 churches in New England and in Newfoundland, Canada.
Pastor Bateman and his wife Amy have been blessed with 5 children between the ages of 25 to 15 years. Pastor and Amy have demonstrated a faithful commitment to the work of the ministry. They are eager to serve the needs of the congregation and rejoice to see the Lord work to change lives through the power of God’s Word. They enjoy every aspect of ministry life; from teaching Sunday school, to hosting people in their home, to visiting those who cannot come out to the services on a regular basis. Their desire is for the next generation of believers to know, love and serve the Savior. Through the practical preaching of God’s word, Pastor Bateman’s desire is for fellow believers to apply the principles of God’s word to their lives each and every day.
Pastor Bateman and his family are grateful for God’s leading in their lives and for leading them to Open Door Baptist Church. They are blessed to follow in the footsteps of Dr. Robert Mayer and Pastor Craig Griffith.