Youth Ministry
On Sunday mornings at 9:30, our youth meet for an in-depth Bible study where they are grounded in the truth. On Wednesday evenings at 7 pm, they meet for youth group where they can enjoy time with friends and receive practical instruction to help them navigate through some of their most important decisions.
That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; That our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace
Psalm 144:12
These words of the Psalmist give to us our aim as we continue to develop the lives of our youth. It is our desire that our young men would grow up to be strong and productive: strong in faith, strong in love for the Lord, strong in their stance for God. We desire that our young ladies would beautifully showcase Christian character. That they would be used by God to bless others by helping them remain in line with the truth of God’s Word and not lead others astray.